Monday, October 7, 2024

Bryophyte Beauty

When the floral seasons come to a close and the autumn colors start to fade, much beauty remains to be found in nature.  Here are just a couple of bryophytes, doing their beautiful things along a sandy-soil powerline clearcut in Moreau Lake State Park.  Top: Bristly Haircap Moss (Polytrichum piliferum) sharing its patch with baby White Pine seedlings. Bottom:a lovely patch of Running Club Moss (Lycopodium clavatum) in full sporangia array.   

Dewdrops added lots of sparkle to these starburst leaves and needles!

The white furry tufts at the ends of the Running Clubmoss's branches are a feature that suggested its alternate vernacular name of Wolf's Paw.

Both the moss and the clubmoss will remain green all winter, although we might have to brush the snow away to enjoy their persistent beauty.

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