Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Winter Pleasures at Spa Park

We had another pretty snowfall today, just enough to turn every woodlot into a fairy forest.  I had planned to go for a walk in Saratoga Spa State Park, but by the time I cleared our walk and cleaned off my car, it started to rain.  Darn!  I can enjoy a winter walk at sub-zero temperatures, but I sure don't like to go for a walk in freezing rain.  So today I stayed home.

I did go out to Spa Park on Monday, though, a beautiful blue-sky day, frosty cold but with a bright sun that warmed my back and spangled the marshmallow billows of snow with sparkles.  Sometimes I just don't feel like struggling through heaps of snow on my snowshoes, and that's when a walk along the Avenue of Pines is just the ticket.  There, I can be surrounded by tall pines and snowy forest, while freely swinging my legs on cleanly plowed paths.  Nice!

About midway along my planned route, I stopped off at the Gideon Putnam Hotel in the heart of the park to warm my face and visit the ladies' room just off the lobby. 

 Not a rustic Adirondack-style lodge but rather an elegant luxury hotel, the Gideon Putnam is leased by the state park to a private company, which operates the hotel year-round.  It makes a great place to stop for lunch or drinks after golfing or skiing or skating or swimming at nearby swimming pools.  Or just walking around this beautiful park or attending a concert at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center or a stage play at the Little Theater.  Spa Park has lots to offer.  And let me tell you, that ladies' room is REALLY nice!

So is the Gideon Putnam's lobby, with its comfortable furniture and blazing fireplaces.  These ladies were enjoying an after-lunch cocktail to celebrate the birthday of one of them.  Teresa, in the blue coat, had just turned 97!  Isn't it wonderful that she is still enjoying her life?

This trio looked so happy I just had to stop to chat with them.  And I'm so glad I did!  Turns out, the lady seated at left is the mother of two of my son's favorite high-school buddies, so we had a grand time catching up on what our respective kids are doing.  One of hers, she told me several times, is now a doctor.

(Personal to my son Steve:  Do you recognize Mark and Marty's mom?  She sure remembers you.)

I love living in this wonderful town.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a nice walk. We still haven't had one of those winter wonderland days all winter, in spite of all the snow we've got.
