Sunday, February 16, 2014

Fun in the Snow

 A perfect day to play in the snow:  deep, fluffy snow, bright blue sky, and good friends Sue and Laurie to help break the snowshoe trail around Mud Pond in Moreau Lake State Park.  Lucky for us, others had hiked the trails before us, so the snow was well-packed for most of the way.

It wasn't until we decided to bushwhack down the bank to the frozen pond that we discovered just how deep that snow was.  And how much work it took to make our way through it.

If we'd thought it was deep under our snowshoes, I found out how much deeper we could go when I walked out of one of mine.   It wasn't easy, trying to reach my foot to strap my snowshoe back on.

(Sue snapped this photo of me, commenting on how hip I looked in my cold-weather garb.  "Just like the slope-style snowboarders in Sochi," she laughed, referring to the Olympic snowboarders' decidedly baggy outfits.  I had told her about meeting a friend while snowshoeing recently, this friend all slim and chic in her skin-tight pants and form-fitting jacket and trim little soft-leather boots, and how I thought I must look like a grizzly, compared to her looking as graceful as a gazelle.  But hey, I dress to stay warm!)

Whew!  That was fun!  But also, kind of tiring.  When we reached the east bank of the pond, it felt good to just lie back in the snow and soak up the warming rays of the sun.  Nothing like it!

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