Sunday, December 15, 2013


 Ohboy ohboy ohboy ohboy!  SNOW!  And LOTS of it!  More than we've had in one snowfall in years!  And it was perfect snow, soft and light and airy, the kind you can walk right through without snowshoes, even if it comes almost up to your knees.

As soon as I got my car dug out, I drove out to the south edge of town to the Saratoga Spa State Park.  That's where I took the rest of these photos.

There were lots of folks enjoying the park today, including these young women who'd come whizzing down the hill on skis.   Megan (the one on the ground) had made it all the way down before taking a tumble, to the amusement of her friends Braiden (lending Megan a hand) and Molly.  All three are relatively new residents of Saratoga Springs, in the process of discovering many of the delights their new hometown has to offer.  Especially when it snows!


  1. yes very happy to see the snow, sure brightens things up ! but after shovelling out three cars and other such exercise, I was too pooped to go anywhere !

  2. Obviously you enjoy winter! Glad you're getting snow so you can join us. Lots of light fluffy snow here. Great pictures.

  3. Oh, the second shot of the trees over the path/road is really great! I had snow here, too. It started out powdery but ended up giving me a crust of ice on top. That's the third little snow in a week!

  4. Yup, enjoying the snow my way as well! Gorgeous! Delightful!

  5. It has been wonderful to have beautiful snow..even here on Long Island..super snow series!
