Monday, December 9, 2013

Where's OUR Snow?

Aw geez!  States far to the south of us get over a FOOT of snow, and what do we get? Oh, maybe an inch!  I'd be out of luck if I needed to photograph a snowy landscape for a Christmas card, but we do have a few pretty scenes around here that look a little bit wintery.  I went over to the Hudson today and was struck by how absolutely beautiful the river appeared, with snow-dusted forested banks rising steeply above the dark still water, misty clouds resting on the very tops of the mountains.

This emerald-green Wood Fern looked very Christmassy,  resting its fir-tree-shaped fronds on the bright-white surface of the snow.

Hobblebush buds -- both flowers and leaves -- are all snug in the furry coats that will keep them safe through the sub-zero months of winter.

What could look more holiday-festive than a marsh-full of brilliant-red Winterberry shrubs?

Some of the berries even wore a tiny cap of snow.


  1. Oh, it looks like you've got the makings of some Christmas card scenes right there! Yes, that winterberry is incredible!

  2. You always get such great pictures! Here's wishing you more snow!

  3. So pretty. You have such an eye and skill with the camera. Would you consider giving workshop on photographing nature? I'm thinking that warming hut at Moreau State Park would be a lovely spot for such a program. ;-)

  4. Thank you, catharus and Furry and Barbara. So good to have you stop by.

    Barbara, I don't know what I would teach in a workshop. I just see stuff that delights or fascinates me, then point my camera and shoot. The camera does all the work (although I sometimes have to struggle to make it do the right thing). But I'd be glad to meet with other nature lovers and lead a photography walk.

  5. In Western New York we had 8" of snowman making snow the morning before Thanksgiving Day and now a few dirty piles here and there. I'm also looking forward to "fresh snow." Lovely pictures.
    Tom The Backroads Traveller

  6. Maybe you didn't get a lot of snow but you sure did get a beautiful view.

  7. I think you will get your wish with snow this weekend.
    I just love Winterberry and grow quite a few in my yard, but this year the birds have already eaten most of them. Do you think they know something that we don't?
