Thursday, November 28, 2013

Over the Mountains and to Vermont, to a Thanksgiving Feast We Go

And I'm bringing the pies! Three cherries, one pumpkin, and an apple strudel (the rustic tart stays home).  Meanwhile, over on the stove is a pot of Osso Bucco and my husband's birthday cake.  His birthday is the day before Thanksgiving this year, and if I had to name one thing I'm really thankful for, I'd have to say I'm glad I said Yes to that blind date with him way back in 1961.  So many, many blessings have flowed from that yes -- most wonderfully, our four children, three of whom we will see on Thanksgiving.

I didn't get outdoors at all this week, aside from trips to the stores for food and birthday gifts, so I'm really looking forward to walking about in the mountains of Vermont, where our daughter's in-laws are hosting our big family gathering.  The snow we had Tuesday has all been washed away by Wednesday's rain, and the weather has cleared for our drive to West Dover, Vermont.  Another thing to be thankful for.

To all of my readers, I wish you a happy Thanksgiving, hoping you all have many wonderful things to be thankful for.


  1. Glad you got your baking done. Our power went out about halfway into my baking time, hope it is salvageable. Oh well, have a great Thanksgiving.

  2. Have a wonderful holiday, and get ready to walk off some of that pie when you get back ! I myself will be stuffed with stuffing ... then again our walks together are hardly what one would call aerobic eh
