Friday, November 29, 2013

A Thanksgiving Album

We had so many things to be thankful for on Thanksgiving Day this year:

We had perfect weather -- including a dusting of beautiful snow! -- for our trip to West Dover, Vermont.  The hour-and-a-half drive is part of the pleasure, with scenic vistas all along the route, including the lovely rolling farmland of Washington County, NY.

The mountains begin to reach up to the sky between Bennington and Wilmington, Vermont.   This clear sunny day was cold enough that the hoarfrost was still on the mountaintop trees at midday.

 It's hard to imagine a lovelier destination than the our hosts' handsome old farmhouse surrounded by ancient Sugar Maples and acres of rolling hills overlooking a valley.

What a feast we had, all pitching in to help our hosts prepare this spectacular meal.  Our enjoyment was amplified by the loving companionship of family and friends.

We were especially happy to spend this day with three of our own dear children, Philip, Jane, and Stephen . Our fourth child, Peter, was just home from a performance tour and was happy to spend the holiday quietly at home with his own family in New Jersey.  We will all be together at Christmas.

If you click on this photo you might be able to see the planet Venus shining brightly above the horizon.  We were thankful to have this clear, quiet night for our drive back home to Saratoga, full of wonderful food and happy memories of a perfect Thanksgiving Day.


  1. That looks like quite a meal! And nice pictures.

  2. Wow, look at that scenery . . . and all the food!
    And all the beautiful people!
    You had quite the day.

  3. Glad you had a great holiday. That looks like a great spread of food and a beautiful home.
