Sunday, January 23, 2011

Deep Snow and Growing Colder

Yeah, it was kind of cold today, somewhere in the low teens. But I heard it should be REALLY cold tomorrow: way below zero and very windy. So Sue and I agreed that we ought to get outdoors today, while we could. We met at the end of Potter Road in Moreau and headed down through the woods to the frozen-over Hudson. Believe me, that snow was DEEP! Even in snowshoes we often sank up to our knees. We took turns breaking trail, because the going was hard.

As we made our way to the end of Rippled Rocks Point, we heard ravens croaking as if in alarm, so we thought we might have a chance to see an eagle. And so we did, flying right over our heads. (By the time my mittened hand managed to open my camera, the eagle was long gone.) At about this time, the sun emerged from the clouds to warm our cold-stiffened faces.

Sue managed to get a photo of that eagle as it disappeared downstream. You can see her photo and read her account of today's adventure on her blog Water Lily by clicking here.

That eagle was probably flying over this bay to check on the deer carcass lying out on the ice. As this photo shows, it wasn't worth the eagle's time to stop for a bite. Nothing left.


  1. Brrr! I can feel the cold just seeing how bundled you are!

  2. Good thing you got out yesterday. I'll bet that snowshoeing kept you nice and cozy-warm!

  3. My goodness you are brave to be out in that cold. One of my coworkers was telling me about someone in your area who went outside and tossed water up into the air and it froze before it hit the ground. Have you ever tried that.

  4. That's hard work, but it is so beautiful. This month has been gorgeous just looking out the windows of the house!

  5. Hi Ellen. You'll laugh when I tell you this: When we first moved to Saratoga from Ann Arbor, the local folks here would say, "Oh, you're from Michigan! Doesn't it get really COLD our there?" During our first winter here (1970-71) it was close to 30 below most nights in January.

    You're right, June. Slogging through all that deep snow sure worked up a sweat. You should have seen our ruddy cheeks!

    Hi squirrel. You don't feel the cold as long as you bundle up, keep moving, and cover your face. I did try the spit trick once when the temp was about 20 below, but it didn't freeze in the air. Maybe spit has antifreeze in it.

    Yes, Virginia, this snowy month has been beautiful, even just from out the windows.
