Monday, January 24, 2011

30 Below!!!

Thirty BELOW!!! I heard on the radio that's how cold it got last night. That's mighty cold. About as cold as it ever gets around here. But by the time I was having my breakfast it was already up to 20 below zero, and the sun was blazing away in a cobalt-blue sky. No wind, either.

Hmm, I thought, I'll bet if I really bundled up, I could stand it outdoors for a little while today. (I call this down coat my walking sleeping bag. Nice and warm.)

My friend Evelyn emailed to tell me the frazil ice had backed up all the way to The Glen, but I didn't have time to go that far north today to see it. I did get to Lake Luzerne, about 20 miles north of Saratoga, where the Hudson River falls through a gorge at Rockwell Falls. I wonder why frazil ice doesn't form in these waters, which, as this photo shows, are pretty frothy.

The falls here aren't big, but they are energetic, with the whole river passing through a narrow opening no more than 20 feet across. I tried to get a little closer, but the mist rising from the falls began freezing on my camera lens. Plus, I didn't want to risk falling in.

All that ice and snow make the opposite bank look like shaggy polar bears.

Water splashing against the underside of this ice shelf had formed these dainty icicles glittering in the sun.

I could have stood and watched all that churning energy, that dark cold water swirling and splashing, for a long, long time.

It was mesmerizing, like watching the surf at the shore. But my face soon grew numb and my glasses froze to my cheeks. Time to go home.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Meh, I decided I didn't like what I said in my first comment, so I deleted it.

    Those ice formations along the river are very beautiful. I'm in awe that you bundled up and went out in weather like this. You're a better woman than I. The only place I went today was the grocery store.

  3. I don't know how cold it was here overnight. The dogs were trying to pee without their feet touching the ground, though.
    Upstairs bathroom's water supply's been turned off...if the pipes freeze anywhere, that's the place.
    I think I saw a 30* temperature in the somewhat near future.

  4. Hi Jackie. The smoothness of the virgin snow is lovely, and I like your compositions. I admire your hardiness. I'll bet you didn't see many fellow trekkers out today! (I was holed up myself doing home improvements.) Looks like you can hang up the down coat for now -- the Glens Fall weather forecast says it's going to be up to zero by midnight! :*)

  5. Brrr! But you look good and toasty all bundled up! As always, great photos!

  6. I waited until it went "up" to zero (of course it was not as cold here in Albany to begin with), and then I bundled up. Gorgeous with the sunshine and perfect for my new merino "base layer!"

  7. Oh! Jackie! You are so adventurous! I knew yesterday would have been a fabulous photo op, what with all the beautiful patterns the frost, and freezing temperatures, make, but I was not so brave as you. I went out only when I had no choice and then scurried back to my woodstove. But i am ever so glad you were so brave, thanks for the beautiful photos!

  8. I cannot even begin to imagine what -30 or -20 must feel like. The coldest weather I have ever ventured into was -8 and that was only for a very short time. Way too cold for this southern girl!

  9. I didn't realize that you were so close to Lake Luzerne. I have a couple questions of a personal nature (to me) and I was wondering if you might be able to help out. No investigating involved, just do you or don't you know.

    Since I don't think you have comment moderation enabled, would you mind dropping me a comment with your email address on my blog. I won't post it, and I promise I'm not a crazy stalker or anything,.


  10. Louise, my email address is no secret. I sent it to you in a comment, but here it is for anyone else who wants to mail me directly:

    I do have comment moderation for posts older than 2 weeks. Mostly so I don't miss any, but also to prevent loads of SPAM clogging up my site.
