What's up, Mama Robin? I saw her sitting on the side of her nest this morning, and when I approached just a little bit closer, she flew away. That gave me free rein to peer into the nest, and look what I found: one brand-new baby robin!

Oh gosh, I thought, this tiny creature's not moving, is it alive? But as soon as my camera clicked, that wee little wobbly naked neck craned up and a tiny mouth opened wide.
How lucky are you to get that shot?!?!
It is astonishing to me that that helpless skinny little neck can lift up that gigantic mouth! :-p
Great shots! I have always wanted to get that exact shot, and you did it!
Mother Nature sure smiled on you with that view!
How precious! Great photos.
Oh my gosh, those are awesome shots. I particularly love that gaping maw, begging for food!
It always amazes me to find birds nesting around my house. We had a perfect view from one of our windows once; we watched everything from nest construction right through when the fledglings took their first leap.
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