Saturday, January 6, 2024

Back Outdoors in Time to Welcome Winter

If the weather forecasts prove true, we should be getting some snow tonight.  All I can say is, it's about time!  I will be happy about that.  It was also about time this past Thursday for me to venture out on my accident-injured legs, now healed enough for me to walk on the level and snow-free shore of Moreau Lake. I was also really happy about that, too.  Especially since my pal Sue Pierce was my inspirer and companion.

When we arrived at the lake about 10am, the water was mostly open and mirror-calm, reflecting a lovely mostly blue sky and sun-dappled mountainsides. The air was cold and calm and perfect for being outdoors in my longjohns, warm scarf, and down coat.


As we walked on the sun-bathed, soft-sand beach at the north end of the lake, it felt quite warm for a January outing.  But soon we heard the wind starting to roar from off to the north, and the formerly sunlit mountainsides became veiled by a fine mist of snow. My excitement picked up with the wind velocity and occasional crystals prickling my cheeks.  Snow at last!

As more and more of the mountainside disappeared from view, the air became flecked with visible flakes of snow.

Soon the lake appeared to be covered with fog, the snow was so thick in the air.

At first the flakes came gently down, transforming the woods to Christmas-card loveliness.

But soon the wind grew more exciting as it began to drive the snow sideways and whip the tall canes of Phragmites into a mad dance.

Did we rush to our nearby cars to get out of this driving snow?  Are you kidding?! Both Sue and I felt like kids in a candy store, thrilled that genuine winter appeared to be arriving at last.  If you want to see evidence of why we love winter so, you can look back over 15 years of my January blog posts and view many, many photos of how beautiful and exciting winter can be in these woods and along these waterways.

When Sue shared photos of this happy day on her Facebook page, she included this photo of me, looking ecstatic to be out in this beautiful place, and especially to be with her. Thanks, Sue, for taking one of the most cheerful photos of me I have ever seen. I feel so blessed to have such a friend as Sue.

Photo by Sue Pierce

That snow shower did not last long as the clouds moved off to the northeast and a bluer sky edged in, the air now dotted with only a few scattered flakes that twinkled in the emerging sunlight.

Now we shall see if the forecasters' hype about the coming snow comes true. If so, I may have to spend my still-limited energies digging out my car and shoveling my walk, but I certainly hope to be back on this blog to report on winter's wonders very soon.


  1. Good to have you back. Sending healing thoughts to you.

  2. Glad to see that you're back outside, be careful in the winter woods.

  3. So glad to see you back! I also revel in the cold and snow! Happy, happy!
