Saturday, December 24, 2022

"The Light Shines in the Darkness . . ."

"The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."  John 1:5

May the Christmas season bring gladness and hope and love to my family and friends and loyal followers of this blog, as well as to ALL those who live in need of gladness and hope and love.

I realize that I have posted this photo and the same sentiments in years past,  but my Christmas wishes have not changed.  Sadly, though, my eyesight has, following a corneal injury this week that makes it difficult to keep my eyes open long enough to produce a new blog entry.  I have been assured that corneas usually heal quickly and completely, so I  have every hope that by the New Year I will be back with accounts and photos of further outdoor adventures.

In the meantime, I am wishing all my friends and family and followers and those they love hope and the patience to endure even through the darkest times.  I do believe there is a Great Goodness at the core of creation and that all things arise from love.  May peace and joy be with you now and throughout the coming year.

Sending love to all,

Jackie Donnelly


  1. Merry Christmas to you! Very appropriate picture too. I've long believed that 'God' is the spirit of good in the world.

  2. Merry Christmas! Hope you heal quickly and completely.

  3. Jackie - we've never met but I'd like you to know you've provided endless joy and education to me since I became a resident of the Capital region in 2016. I've made a number of treks in your footsteps, looking for the things you identify in your posts. I'm far from being able to even call myself an amateur botanist, but at least you've given me a much deeper appreciation of all the things around us to wonder it in the great outdoors! Here's wishing you a very happy New Year! Steven Hanks

  4. My father managed to scratch his cornea pretty badly as he put up the tree on Christmas eve when I was small enough to still believe in Santa Claus and was in bed and asleep. It must have been pretty exciting at the time (I was told years later that it was close to midnight), but our family doctor saw him at his home.
