Saturday, January 16, 2021

Not Today

We had a few inches of snow last night.  Then it rained. Nothing but slush underfoot.  I'm not going outdoors today. To cheer myself, I looked through old blog posts of mine to find evidence that such weather never used to dissuade me from outdoor adventures. That could have been because I weighed quite a bit less, didn't have trauma-induced arthritis in one knee, or lungs growing stiff yet from COPD. Or maybe I'm just feeling low-energy because of stress surrounding the covid pandemic and the horrors of the current political situation.  Whatever.  Nevertheless, I did find some photos to remind me that beauty can be found outdoors, even on winter days as dismally dark and damp as this one.

This photo of fog rising from the surface of an ice-covered Saratoga Lake was taken a few years ago on just such a mid-winter rainy day as today.  I was reminded of Japanese ink drawings and found the view breathtaking.

The twigs of Red Osier Dogwood seem even more brilliantly red in the dim light of a dark rainy winter day, their beauty enhanced when decorated with crystal-clear raindrops.

This monochrome scene of snow-covered fields and leafless trees was rendered magical by drifts of mist rising from rain-soaked snow.

This January day was dark and cold, but the raindrops were dancing quite merrily on the surface of an open creek.

I'm not sure how this oak leaf became so impressively arrayed on its frosted escutcheon, but I believe rain had washed the surrounding snow from the surface of the ice-covered lake.

Is this photo really one of the most beautiful I've ever taken? Or do I just love it so much because it represents so much of what I love about where I live:  where forested mountains fall straight to the unspoiled banks of an island-studded river? Above the constantly flowing current, the water was smooth as glass on this unseasonably warm January day, and the rising mist rendered the scene even more magical than it always appears to me.


  1. What a wonderful selection of pictures, all beautiful. Sorry about the turmoil in Washington!

  2. Beautiful photos Jackie. You're such a pro.

  3. Lovely. I wish I could return the favor of truth and beauty. I appreciate your sharing.
    Chris on other side of Adirondackss.

  4. I always love you informative, beautifully-photographed posts, but was moved to thank you directly for these especially stunning photos!
    A fan for sure,
    Pamela, another outdoors woman

  5. Beautiful pictures
    What do you think caused the COPD?

  6. Lovely photos that bear a second look right well. I am in the same boat as you. I have actually been denying opportunities to go look for birds and that is most discomfiting. Hope spring brings better heart to all of us.

  7. You take dandy photos. Ah to be young again, but those of us who have more yesterdays than tomorrows have lots and lots of memories and have, hopefully, acquired a bit of wisdom.

  8. I have followed your blog since last spring. I have enjoyed your beautiful photographs and been inspired to paddle some new water and walk some new woods. There’s more good than bad in this world. Thank you. -Jenny

  9. I am so grateful to all of you for your generous responses to this post. Thank you for stopping by and adding your kind comments, both your praise for the photos and your admonitions for hope. I myself thoroughly enjoyed searching through my old posts, remembering how many delightful adventures I have had. And in all weathers!

    Regarding what caused the COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), I have no doubt it was the damage from over 30 years of smoking Pall Malls, up to a pack and a half a day until I quit cold turkey on July 4, 1990 -- my personal Independence Day! More than 30 years ago! And sadly, about 50 pounds ago, too.

  10. I too smoked for over 30 years and quit early March 2019 and have put on weight also.
    Think of the money saved!
