Thursday, December 17, 2020

Winter for REAL!!!

 Wow! The weatherman really MEANT it this time! Usually, when snow is forecast, I sigh and say "Promises, promises!" But it looks like we got nearly 3 feet. Luckily, we have only 40 feet of sidewalk to shovel. (Rest assured, Denis didn't have to do it alone! I joined him at the task.)

But my car has been plowed in where it's parked at the curb, the packed snow heaped to the windows. I'm getting too old for this!


  1. Yes we got clobbered

  2. Just be glad you weren't in Binghamton with it's 40+ inches. Down here we only got 22 inches -- to light an fluffy for easy snowshoeing. Guess we're out of the woods for a few days.

  3. Sunday will be my fourth day in a row of spending hours in the skid-steer plowing snow. Haven't even had time to look for my skis.

  4. Such a storm! Sorry you had to shovel so much.
