Sunday, October 1, 2017

A Last Floral Feast?

 What an absolutely spectacular day today, with a bright blue sky and the air cool enough to don a sweater but warm enough in the sun to make you want to peel it off.  A perfect afternoon for a walk around Moreau Lake, and I even convinced my husband to come along.  What that meant, of course, is that I didn't stop to take many photos, since my husband likes to keep a brisk pace, so we sped along the shore. It didn't matter so much today, since almost all of the flowers have stopped blooming by now, so little called to me to stop and pay attention.  Until we came upon this solitary goldenrod cluster that was absolutely swarming with bees, that is.  In fact, it was my husband himself who said I should take a picture of this.

A very bustling floral clump it was!  I counted at least 10 bees at once, and then another bug showed up as well. I think that red-legged, tiger-striped Locust Borer Beetle was there all along, but it suddenly clambered around to my side of the flower where I could see it.  I think the word must have gone forth to all the insects near this shore:  "Hey, there's still some pollen to be had on this one last flower that's still in bloom!"

This Monarch butterfly may also have heard the call.  It came winging in and fed for some time, with all of the other bugs and bees paying it no mind.  Wouldn't it be nice if all of us humans could happily share nature's bounty like this?

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