Friday, April 28, 2017

Disaster Has Struck My Photo Files!

Oh horrors!  My computer got updated to a new operating system, and now I can't process my photos.

 The old photo program was rendered obsolete by the update, and I don't have a clue how to work the one that arrived in its place.  The photos appear on my computer screen when I download them from my camera, but I can't do anything with them.  I can't name them, edit them, trash the duds, crop or reduce or enhance them,  or file them where I can import them to my blog or share them on Facebook or attach them to an email.

The new program offers no guidance on what to do, and everything I've tried on my own has led nowhere.  Luckily, my pal Sue Pierce told me she knows what to do and will come to show me on Sunday.  In the meantime, I can't even look at my photos or I will start sobbing hysterically.

It has been brought home to me quite viscerally how this blog and my photography have become an important center of my life, and being stripped of my ability to operate as usual has thrown me into quite a tizzy.  Please send positive energy and good thoughts and prayers my way, that I will soon recover my cool head and, with instruction, figure out how to share our wonderful natural world once again through my photos on this blog.


  1. You have my complete sympathy. Computer issues are always so frustrating! Hope Sue can sort it out!

  2. I hope you can figure out how to fix the problem on Sunday both for your sake and for mine, as I miss your blog very much. It's good that you have a tech savvy friend.

  3. I call them confusers! I'm sure it will all get sorted out

  4. With different details on the glitches, this has happened to me a number of times. It usually happens in the evening, and I spend a relatively sleepless night worrying about the loss of my pictures or data. I've even lost data on the cloud. Being a blogger too, Latelife Musings, I know how much it means to you.(And your blog means a lot to me too!) I'm usually somewhat comforted in the knowledge that Blogspot has kept all my back posts and pictures. And there's always someone around who can get teach this old dog how to get out of the fix. These new systems com with relatively little instructions - it's hit or miss while you play around with it. At our ages, situations like this can really "jar your preserves" but I know it will all turn out well. May is on the way.

  5. I am so sorry. That is horrible! Northview was gone entirely for a week once and I was as sad as if I'd lost a friend. I hope you can get things fixed and get to things as they should be.

  6. Kathy Handy at Saratoga Library is great with computers. I'll bet she could help.

  7. What operating system now and what program now?

  8. Yup, had a similar experience a few weeks ago. After much frustration, I have learned to wrangle photos in the new way, but I find it all much harder now. Curse the companies that force these unwanted changes upon us!

  9. Sounds like you had an automatic update to Windows 10 (am I correct?). I had to go with Windows 10 at the office and ABSOLUTELY HATE IT!!! There's no way I will ever install 10 on our home computers and have disabled automatic updates. Fortunately we also have a Mac and I have all my photos on all three computers plus on an external hard drive so, one way or another, I'll have them. Next time we need a computer I think we'll go with a Linux or Ubuntu OS, I'm done with anything by Microsoft.
