Saturday, January 16, 2016

Not such a good week

Ice fog after rain on a frozen-over Saratoga Lake
Actually, it was not such a bad week to be laid up.  If the sun was out, a bitter cold wind was gusting hard enough to blow me down the block.  And then it rained, ruining that crystalline ice on the lake and whatever nice snow was on the ground. But I didn't get out much, anyway.  Last Saturday I slipped and fell on icy snow and bruised my right hip and knee (thank God nothing broke!), and then on Monday I tripped on a projecting brick in a sidewalk and landed on my left chest.  Since then, bruised ribs cause piercing  pain each time I draw a deep breath (again, thank God nothing broke).  And then I came down with the worst cold I've had in years, with sore sinuses and a dripping raw nose, and coughs and sneezes that cause those bruised ribs to cry UNCLE!!!

But today I feel a bit better.  I've dug out my Yaktrax and can't wait to get outdoors again, to enjoy the beauties that only winter can bring.  I heard that the ice is now safe on Moreau Lake, so the fishermen will soon be out, enjoying some peaceful solitude and maybe a catch or two.

It rained today, and if I'd gone out, I might have found crystal drops dripping from Red Osier boughs, or a misty fog lifting from the frozen surface of a lake, as in the photo at the top of this post.

All that rain must have filled the brooks, and as the temperatures fall as predicted this week, I can expect to find exquisite ice formations along their tumbling courses.

If I get out early enough, I should be able to find the branches that overhang those brooks soon covered with feathery hoarfrost.

And if we're REALLY lucky, we might get some beautiful snow!


  1. You had an awful week but I'm glad your on the mend. I missed your beautiful pictures and interesting narrative. Stay safe.

  2. Beautiful pictures! I'd almost think you had been out for some interesting walks! Sorry things piled up to give you such a bad week!

  3. Hope you are okay!! Be careful out there! Lovely winter pics

  4. I've been away for quite a bit of time, and just now catching up on your blog! I sure hope you're doing better! What a string of bad luck!
