Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Taking a Short Break (I Hope!)

I am so glad I got out early on that frosty Monday morning this week,  to join my friends at Mud Pond and along the beautiful Hudson (see my previous post).  What a sweet morning it was, presenting all the joys a splendid autumn morning in this part of the country can offer: brilliant sunshine, bright blue skies, frost spangled plants, quiet waterways reflecting the gorgeous colors of trees in their autumn foliage, and above all, the joyous companionship of friends who share my passion for nature.

Now I'm going to immerse myself in the memory of this delightful day (and others equally as delightful) as I lie on my couch recovering from the knee surgery I'm scheduled to undergo tomorrow (October 22).  This is actually good news.  It means my shattered kneecap has healed sufficiently that the wires that once held the pieces together can now be removed, along with the screws the wires were wrapped around.  Our hope (my surgeon's and mine) is that this procedure should eventually ease the pain that has been my daily torment since the day I fell on May 31.  My surgeon insists that recovery from this operation should be swift and easy.  So that's the hope I'm clinging to.  Please, dear readers, send a healing wish my way, so that I may soon be back in the woods and out on the waterways, sharing with you all the sweet wonders I encounter in the natural world.


  1. Good luck with the surgery, I will say a prayer for your speedy recovery.

  2. You will be i our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Rest well. We look forward to your return.

  3. I'll be thinking of you, and wishing you well. I meet with my own surgeon to schedule things next week and then you can return the favour!

  4. Praying for your speedy, and complete recovery! Picturing you kayaking across glassy waters beside patchwork mountains

  5. My prayers will be with you for a complete recovery. We will miss you, but you have left us an enormous backlog of your beautiful posts!

  6. Hope the surgery went well, it should have been a fairly simple procedure. Hopefully you'll be back to the woods and waters in short order.

  7. Happy healing! Will be thinking of you :)

  8. Heal fast and I look forward to hearing how you are

  9. Yes, with all hopes that your knee returns to normal feeling/function

  10. Dear friends, your good wishes have meant so much to me. Thank you, thank you, for stopping by to leave them. Furry Gnome, please keep us posted about your own surgery so we can send healing thoughts and wishes your way. My doctor tells me my operation went well, and my knee should now heal completely. Lots of pain, as yet, but that should diminish when the metal staples are removed from the incision in a couple of weeks.
