Thursday, October 29, 2015

Still Gorgeous Out There

After the pouring rain and roaring winds we had last night, I didn't expect to find many autumn leaves left on the trees today when I went for a short walk along the north shore of Moreau Lake.  Well, I was wrong. There's still much to marvel at out there.

A week since my second knee surgery, severe pain still limits my energies,  but I did crave to immerse myself in the loveliness of this sandy stretch of lake shore.  The trail that runs between the main lake and the back bay certainly beckoned me to amble and enjoy, soft sand and pine needles beneath my feet, fragrant and colorful trees on either side.

Such a wonderful jumble of colors, including the intense red of these Lowbush Blueberry shrubs spilling over a bank.

The blue water sparkled and danced, and the forest glowed.

When we moved from the shelter of the trees to the sandy shore, we could look up and see the mountainside a patchwork of many colors.

As the maples fade, the oaks and aspens come into their own glory, glowing deep orange and bright gold.

And nothing can out-glorify the glorious ruby-red of this hedge of Huckleberry shrubs.

We even found a few flowers holding on after frost.  Here was a brave little bunch of Butter-and-eggs still thriving in the sand.

And one stalwart stalk of Goldenrod still held a robust cluster of golden bloom.

No flowers remained on these low branches of Maple-leaved Viburnum, but their vibrant leaves were more beautiful than even their flowers had been.

As we drove around the lake on our way out of the park, we stopped to take in one last view of this splendid mountainside in all its spectacular color.


  1. Just a note to say I hope you are up to full speed and no pain soon...I love your articles and of course your photos. Thank you. Kathy Jo

  2. This is very beautiful, as is the previous post. I love that Moreau is always new for you. That comes from knowing a place well, and watching it closely. There is still the token brilliant maple, but the oaks are a big show now, especially when the sun comes out. I have missed getting to Moreau this year. My father has had foot problems, and I haven't gotten him out for walks. Thanks for sharing the water, the trees, mountains, plants, sand, remaining flowers, and your joy in it all. Best wishes for your continued recovery.
