Saturday, June 20, 2015

Back in my Boat -- in My Dreams and On Screen

Me in my Hornbeck on the Hudson last summer.  Photo and poster design by Sue Pierce
Yeah, it's gonna be quite a while before I can hoist myself in or out of my Hornbeck canoe, what with this broken kneecap.  But I can still dream, can't I?  I'm dreaming both of places I'll paddle one day, and also of so many wonderful places I've paddled in the past.  I'm sharing my photos of some of those wonderful places this coming Tuesday evening, June 23, at 7 pm at the Hadley-Luzerne Public Library in the pretty little Adirondack town of Lake Luzerne.  The photo above is the poster advertising my talk/slide show. It sure would be great to greet some of my blog readers there, so come if you can.  Free show!


  1. Wish I could! Looks fantastic!

  2. Jackie,
    I love the pollinator series! Wish we could come to your talk, but we are heading to Maine with my kids to open our camp. Be back in a week. Sorry it will be so long before you get back in the Hornbeck. Am paddling NW Bay with Nancy Slack. A treat for me to go with her.

  3. "Saratoga Woods & Waterways" has been included in our Sites To See #446. Be assured that we hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

  4. Jackie, I just introduced myself to Peter Hornbeck in the parking lot of Stewarts in Long Lake. I mentioned your name and he lit right up. We are sending you a combo get better soon shout out from the north country. I tried trading him a few bags of firewood for a boat to no avail.

  5. Love the blog. I was pleased to visit The Hornbeck workshops several years ago. I am an amateur boat builder and was thrilled. Thank You
