Friday, March 27, 2015

Spring Flowers Are Up -- on the Newsstand!

 An unusual color pattern of Hepatica (Hepatica nobilus var. acuta), 
one of our earliest  spring wildflowers

Getting desperate to see some spring flowers?  Well, it's going to be a while yet before we find them out in our local woods, since our nighttime temperatures still fall below freezing.  But the newest issue of Saratoga Living magazine features an article I wrote, "The Wildflower Bounty of Saratoga County," and it's on the newsstands now.  Saratoga Living is a glossy local history/lifestyles magazine that is sold at Saratoga-area bookstores, drugstores, supermarkets, and other venues where magazines are sold.  But if you can't find it where you live, you can access the online issue, which includes even more of my flower photos than could be included in the print version.  (There's lots of other good stuff in this issue, too.) I'm pretty proud of this article and pleased as punch to be able to share it with my readers.  I share here, too, a few of the photos included in the magazine article.

Hopes this helps us all hold on until the real thing comes along.

Fringed Polygala (Polygala paucifolia) carpets the forest floor in early spring.

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) holds bright-yellow sunbursts within its snowy petals.

The brilliant Wild Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) is set off to 
stunning advantage by a sea of delicate Miterworts (Mitella diphylla).


  1. Congratulations Jacquie! That's a wonderful article that will undoubtedly inspire other local nature lovers to get out and explore. And your pictures are wonderful as always! All your local knowledge of places to go really comes through. If I lived nearby I would have written down those places and already started looking them up on a map for this summer's exploring. Having done a bit of writing, I know how much work that took; the results are worth it!

  2. beautiful flower photo... but I still orchids is my favorite flowers...
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  3. Beautiful! I so enjoyed visiting some of these spots and flowers with you last year.

  4. Great article. Congratulations!

  5. Lovely article! Beautiful photos!
