Monday, February 16, 2015

Dreaming of Spring

Another morning well below zero!  Brrrr!  I meant to get out today, I really did, and I even suited up for it in my warmest winter wear (see photo above).  But just while walking out to my car, the roaring wind kept finding a way to make me miserable, so back inside I scurried.  Ah well, I have projects I need to work on at home, anyway.

I'm working on a magazine article about spring wildflowers, and also preparing a slide presentation about the plants that populate the banks of the Hudson.  So I'm spending hours going through photos that remind me that spring will come.

I'm sharing some here.  Perhaps they will help keep our hopes up.

One of these days, my little boat will carry me back out onto the river.

Clouds of Bluets will tumble over the banks.

Violets will vie with the Bluets to carpet the woodland paths.

Roadside ditches will explode with gold when the Marsh Marigolds come into bloom.

Hepaticas of many colors will burst into bloom in the woods.

Fringed Polygala is also called Gaywings, a most appropriate name for this flower that looks like a tiny bright-pink airplane, propeller awhirl.

Bloodroot will pay us the briefest of visits before the tree canopy closes in and steals the sun from the forest floor.

I'm still looking forward to enjoying what's left of the winter (if only it would warm up just a bit), but it's nice to be reminded that spring will be our reward for enduring the cold.


  1. All so nice to look forward to! And that is a neat little canoe; don't think I've seen a picture of it showing the inside. Sounds like you spend your winter like I do, inside sorting pix and writing.

  2. From your mouth to God's ear...

  3. Yes, wow, that's going to be a lovely presentation! So much of your knowledge and love of the natural world to share, and all the pickings of photos to choose from! That's going to be wonderful!

  4. A lovely photo ... I have several just like it. I knew it was you under there !
    Can't wait to see your slide show, I know it has been percolating with you for a while now.

  5. Thanks, Jackie for a beautiful touch of Spring this frigid morning!
