Friday, October 3, 2014

The Beautiful Season

Every time of year brings its own kind of natural beauty to Saratoga County.  But autumn could certainly be called the most colorful season, and that magnificence has just begun.  On my walks this week I found the autumn colors already transforming the landscape.  Here are just a few scenes that I hope will tempt my readers to get outdoors to enjoy the show.

A powerline traces the rolling hills that follow the Hudson River along Spier Falls Road.

The river reflects the sapphire sky, while even bare rocks sport patches of vivid color.

Usually, oaks are the last of our deciduous trees to turn color, but I found some young shoots along the river that were already showing all the colors of autumn in their leaves.

The old canal towpath in Schuylerville is a beautiful place for a walk, especially in autumn.

Hundreds of Canada Geese were resting from their migratory flight near the ruins of an old bridge across the Hudson at Schuylerville.

The leaves of American Beeches have just begun to turn their signature gold, while still retaining much of their emerald green.


  1. Beautiful, especially the shots of the river and the towpath.

  2. As a transplanted Saratogian (right down Circular St!), I have to tell you what joy your blog brings me. Out here (SF Bay Area), Autumn is our only reliably summerish weather time. It's nice, but I pine for the Autumns in my blood. Thank you for sharing!
    (and for making/raising such awesome sons)

  3. Thank you, dear readers, for stopping by to add your appreciative comments. I always love knowing you come along with me on my journeys.

    What a surprise to hear from a former neighbor, mdspb, and to learn you might be a friend to my (yes, I acknowledge they are) "awesome sons." I am so glad to learn that my blog brings you joy, and I would surely love to know your name so I could say hello to them from you.
