Friday, May 23, 2014

Return to Pyramid Lake

Once again, I return to Pyramid Lake, my Paradise on Earth, for Memorial Day Weekend.  I'll be helping to ready Pyramid Life Center for another summer season of spiritual retreats in one of the most beautiful places in the Adirondacks.  Although I will be working hard to clean the dead flies and mouse leavings from many bedrooms in the Lodge, I always take time to paddle the pristine waters of this wilderness lake, walk the forested trails to spectacular overlooks, and sit on the dock at night to gaze at more stars than could ever be imagined,  all the while serenaded by loons and breathing the fragrance of pine.

Here in this place of sweet peace that offers a foretaste of heaven, I remember all those I loved who have died, and pray that God will send our world leaders who understand the sinfulness and futility of war.  May God grant his wayward people peace.


  1. It is easy to understand why great hymns and inspiration music evoke scenes like this. They lift our hearts. Lovely!

  2. Yes, lovely picture! 'Wonderful invocation of a familiar hymn in an inspiring setting!
