Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Large-flowered White Trillium have spread a carpet of beauty all over the Skidmore woods.
Mother Earth has adorned herself with some of her loveliest flowers and blessed us with one of her sweetest sun-warmed days on this Mother's Day 2014.  My son Philip (seated here with my husband Denis) treated us to breakfast this morning before leading us on a walk along the old Champlain canal/Hudson River at Schuylerville.

Many turtles were basking and birds were singing their sweetest songs as we strode along the sun-dappled path, accompanied by the music of tumbling rapids in the river nearby.  Ospreys have built their nest on an old bridge piling out in the river, and we watched as one of these spectacular birds flew in to perch on the nest.  Hundreds and hundreds of pretty Blue Violets bloomed along the way.  I hope that all of you who are mothers (or have loved in the way that mothers do) have enjoyed this day as much as I have.  May everyone be so blessed!


  1. That's an outstanding picture of trilliums! Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Wonderful! Our heavy winter has slowed things down. The trilliums are just in bud, but the violets are blooming.
