Saturday, January 11, 2014

January Rain

No fair!  The better I feel, the nastier grows the weather.  Here I am, all over my cold and eager to get outdoors, and it's pouring rain.  Two days ago it was zero, today it's pushing 50.  Very strange!

Well, I did get out today, if just for a few minutes here and there, trying not to get my camera soaked.  I thought the fog rising over the snow might make for some interesting atmospherics, and I was right.

Here are horse pastures along Fitch Road above Saratoga Lake.

This is the Hudson River, still frozen over, from the boat launch site below Spier Falls Dam.

With the sodden snow, drifting fog, and pouring rain,  the landscape lacked much color.  These dripping Red Osier Dogwood twigs certainly stood out against the unrelenting gray.


  1. Raining here today too, but I didn't even try to get out.

  2. Yeh, the dramatic shifts in temperature are not welcome! 'Just detracts immeasurably from the winter landscape!
    'But you still got a nice shot with the low-lying fog.

  3. Gorgeous pictures. The one of the boat launch looks like it could be deep in the Adirondacks--far more remote than it actually is. Nice!

  4. Hi..Perusing several of your blogs..behind on my reading..Your phoography is wonderful..especially the scenery..well..all of it. You are a kindred spirit..out in any weather searching for beauty.. Thanks for sharing!
