Friday, November 1, 2013

Baby Pictures

Our sweet baby kitty (we've named him Henri) is getting quite used to living with humans by now.  He purrs when we pet him, snuggles up in our laps and falls asleep there, chases a little ball all over the kitchen, bites our fingers when we play tickle-tummy with him, and he's made friends already with Finn, our big Maine Coon cat.  Our four other cats still hate the sight of him, though.  If you or someone else you know could give this little darling a loving forever home, please let me know.  He's already neutered, had a distemper shot, and been defleaed.  And if he stays with us much longer, our hearts will break when we bid him good-bye.

Update:  Little kitten has found a forever home with a nice family in Schuylerville.  All of a sudden, our house feels very empty.  But my heart is full of gratitude that there's one little kitty who won't have to suffer the rigors of a feral existence.  Bye bye, Henri.  We feel blessed that we had you to love for just a little while.


  1. My mom follows your blog and told me about this adorable kitten you're trying to find a good home for. I was wondering if he is still available? We recently moved into a new house and now we need a cat to make it a home :)Please email me at Thank you!

  2. Always enjoy your blog.
    Great photos, as usual.
    John and Mary O'C

  3. Aww, so cute, but our cat is definitely an "only cat." I hope you find him a good home.

  4. I'm very happy to report that this sweet little kitty has found a happy home with a loving family. We were sad to say good-bye, but our five other cats were quite happy to say good riddance to one pesky little interloper.
