Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Happy Father's Day Song from My Son and Grandkids

Maya (age 7), Sean (age 5) and Alex (age 2 1/2) join their daddy Peter in making happy music.
Indulgent mom and grandma that I am, I just couldn't resist sharing this video of my son Peter Donnelly and three of his four children performing the title song from his latest album, Face the Bird.

Here's what Peter had to say about writing this song:
one day i started playing guitar and my kids were dancing to it rather than tackling me or begging to be taken outside or needing to use the bathroom, etc... i wasn't gonna stop, they we're loving it. so i wrote this song then and there for them. it's about them. it's about letting go the burdens we all feel everyday and facing up to our real freedom. we are free to live, and to give what we have to the world, to our children who are taking the reigns in an ever uncertain world.


  1. How nice. Thank you for sharing that.

  2. That is just the coolest thing I have seen all day!

  3. Hi Bill and threecollie. So good of you to comment on this video. I am super proud of my son's artistry, and of course, I adore my grandchildren and think they are the cutest kids of all.
