Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

 It's Easter, and as Christians rejoice that the Lord is risen, we wildflower lovers also rejoice that the first REAL flower of spring -- one that actually looks like a flower -- has risen as well.  Alleluia!  The Coltsfoot is up!  The season of blooming is here!  I found this patch in Congress Park today.  These dear little sunny blooms, bursting forth in glory from out of the cold dead leaves, speak to me of resurrection far more than any pampered, florist-bred Easter Lily could.  Like God's love, they are freely given, they spring forth unbidden, there's not a thing we had to do to deserve them, nor a penny we have to spend to enjoy them.  Also, like the Incarnate One who dwelt among the lowly, they make their home among the poorest soils, brightening desolate roadsides where nothing else will grow.  Supposedly, they even have healing powers.  So bless you, dear little Coltsfoot.  It gives me great joy to welcome you once more.

Easter Sunday this year was delightfully warm and sunny, but because of hostessing duties I didn't get to spend much of the day outdoors.  By the time I got out to the woods today, a cold wind had blown the warmth away, but still, the woods appeared transformed from how it had been just last week.  All of the snow is gone at last, and the creek at Orra Phelps Nature Preserve is flowing freely once more.

Mud Pond at Moreau is mostly free of ice, and the sun broke through the racing clouds to warm the grassy banks.

The American Hazelnut shrubs at the top of the pond were dotted with bright little lipstick-red buds, opening to the sun.


  1. Yes, coltsfoot and hepatica blooming here in central PA.
    Happy Easter!

  2. Happy Easter to you too! We are still waiting for the colt's foot here in western NY, but we know it is coming! Looking forward to spring wildflowers and your delightful posts! Keep up the good work.

  3. I'd settle for a dandelion at this point!

  4. I remember going on expeditions in the Adirondack woods when I was a kid looking for hepatica, arbutus and lady's slippers. Here in the Black Hills I look for star lilies, Nuttall's violets and pasque flowers the same way.
