Friday, March 8, 2013


SNOW!  Where were you all winter?  Here I am, ready to take off for a weekend of hiking at Pyramid Life Center on an Adirondack lake, and the snow is coming down thick and fast.  Guess I'd better take my snowshoes as well as my hiking boots.  Probably my rain gear as well, since this snow will doubtless turn to rain soon, as the temperatures climb into the high 40s that are being predicted.  But we might also see some sun by Saturday.  Can't wait!

The weekend should be an interesting one, a women's retreat at a Catholic retreat center, at a time in our church's history when many of us women are so disgusted with our church's leadership we can hardly stand to sit in the pews on Sunday morning.  But Pyramid Life Center  has always been for me a place where we can BE church in a radically different way, where dogmatic accretions fall away, and we simply exist in the presence of God, amid the glories of God's creation.  Whatever the weather.


  1. Sounds like a nice weekend. I hope the driving to your retreat isn't too bad. My snow from Wednesday is all melter already, except for patches.

  2. I just happened upon your blog this it very much and will visit it again. I was up your way last summer, visiting friends in Adirondack NY, not too far from Lake George. My first visit to that part of the country... so beautiful. Your photography is wonderful. Hope you had a good weekend retreat.
    Best wishes from Anne

  3. Hi Carolyn, our snow in Saratoga is long gone too, especially after a couple of rainy days in the 50s. But I'm sure ready for spring.

    Anne Higgins, how good of you to stop by and leave your kind comment. I hope you come back to the Adirondacks many times.
