Monday, October 22, 2012

A Perfect Day For Walking Instead of Paddling

Sunny and warm today, but with a wind too brisk for pleasant paddling.  So I went for a walk along the Hudson instead, following the course my canoe would have taken, but keeping to the wooded banks.

Here's where I would have launched my canoe, at a place I call Shelter Cove, since no matter how strong the wind may be blowing out on the open river, back here it is almost always calm.

The Hemlocks provide a dark foil for the explosive red of Highbush Blueberry leaves.

Those blueberry leaves light up like flames when backlit by the sun.

The river here flows around an island and into quiet coves.  West Mountain rises beyond the far side.

American Beeches hold the light and warmth of the sun in their golden and coppery leaves.

On the forest floor, the purple-veined leaves of Foamflower  make for lovely companions to the fallen leaves of Bigtooth Aspen.

 The shimmering water amplifies the luminous hues of surrounding trees.


  1. That last photo!
    Vincent van Gogh would have been proud to have painted that one!

  2. Oh June, you are right! Those are VvG's colors, for sure. I could have stood and gazed at those reflections for a long long time.

  3. Oh, we can never get enough of Autumn's brilliance.... Jackie, we were in Skidmore woods and there was a bush that had pinkish leaves. It looked similar to the burning bush often seen in landscaping, but the leaves were not red. What do you think it was? When I saw your picture of high bush blueberry, that looked possible, but even that was probably too red. There were many of these bushes in Skidmore especially in the marshy areas. Just thought you might know. It has been a mystery!

  4. Virginia, the Skidmore Woods is, unfortunately, just FULL of Burning Bush, a terribly invasive shrub that will soon be illegal to sell in NY. So I believe that that's what you were seeing. Perhaps when it grows in the deep woods, the lack of sunlight prevents it from developing the bright red we associate with the landscape specimens. To distinguish it from Highbush Blueberry, look for winged flanges running the length of the twigs. It may also have hard red berries. While blueberries tolerate some shade, they will not be found in deep woods, but rather at the edges.

  5. Thanks, Jackie! If Burning Bush is thriving in Skidmore Woods, then I'm sure that's what it is, and also your reason for the lighter coloring has to be correct. Thanks. I will pass the word on to my mother. I didn't know Burning Bush reproduced easily....
