Friday, July 20, 2012

Pyramid Lake: Retreat to a Peaceable Paradise

I'm off today for my annual Peace Retreat at Pyramid Life Center on Pyramid Lake in the Adirondacks.  We won't have a full moon this year, but we probably will have some rosy-fingered dawns, with soft mist swirling over the waters and the haunting calls of loons echoing among the mountains. 

But even if we had nothing but gray skies and rainstorms, this place is where I would crave to be, especially when joining together with other folks who work for peace in the world.  Among our presenters this year is the granddaughter of Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker Movement and a model of how we could live more simply and authentically.  We all know very well that most of the world considers us "peaceniks" deluded at best or crazy at worst, but we know Who calls us to walk this path and we long to walk with Him, even if that path should lead to His cross.  But happily, that path this weekend will lead us all to Pyramid Lake and a foretaste of Paradise.