Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Riverscape Up North

Monday was a sweet balmy day with a clear blue sky, but I couldn't get out until mid-afternoon, too late for a long hike, but early enough for a drive up north to Lake Luzerne and an easy walk along an ice-filled Hudson.  I'd heard reports of eagles feeding up here, but I didn't see any that day.  Yes, it would have added a note of excitement to see eagles, but the beauty of the riverscape was enough to fill me with joy.

There's a long stretch of road that closely follows the Hudson going north out of the village of Lake Luzerne, eventually reaching a dead end at a state forest recreation area.   I had hoped to reach this state forest area and its many trails along the river, but the road turned to soft mud where the pavement ended, still miles from my destination.  I feared my car might mire down, so I turned back toward Lake Luzerne, happy enough to enjoy the view from my car, with occasional forays on foot where I found open fields.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these photos are SPECTACULAR!!!!! Just beautiful!!!!!!!!
