Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like . . . EASTER!

OK, we've had some morning frosts, a wee bit of snow, a little thin ice at the edge of ponds.  But then, today, the temperature climbed to close to 50 degrees.  This Dandelion and Galinsoga on a downtown sidewalk are acting like winter has already come and gone and it's time to bloom again.  A fly has reawakened, too.

Not exactly the Easter Bunny, but another creature better adapted to warmer weather than what winters are supposed to be around here.  I've heard that opossums are better suited to more southerly climes, which is why the ears of our local inhabitants are almost always frost-damaged.  Poor things!  They surely must be enjoying this unseasonably warm weather.  This one is certainly enjoying the food we put out for feral cats.


  1. Crikey O'Reilly!
    Never seen one of those before, on your porch, not scared of you taking a picure........Wow!

  2. are you sure that ISN'T the Easter Bunny, with his ears frozen off?
    here's hoping we get a white Christmas, at least!
