Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving Day in Vermont

Oh my, I've been away from my blog a whole week!  Yes, it was a busy week, going off to West Dover, Vermont, to spend Thanksgiving Day with my daughter's in-laws, who own this beautiful place overlooking Mt. Snow.  Then home Thursday night to entertain my son and his family (a wife and four children) for the rest of the weekend, celebrating my husband's birthday with a big dinner and birthday cake on Sunday.  Then I rested for two days.  (There's a reason we have our babies when we're young!) Today I returned to the woods for a walk with my friend Sue.  But before I post an entry about that, I wanted to post these photos taken in Vermont, where the ground was covered with several inches of snow, despite temperatures climbing into the high 50s. 

This handsome old barn has been converted into a guest house and family gathering place, where we sat down to a Thanksgiving feast for about 30 people.

The old farmhouse porch overlooks this exquisite mountain view.

Despite the wintry scene, these apples (Yellow Delicious?) still hung on the trees in the old orchard.

Although our skies were mostly blue, thick clouds rested atop Mt. Snow across the valley.


  1. What beautiful pictures, especially the apple tree.

  2. I spent the first 14 years of my life in Vermont. Thanks for bringing me back!


  3. Great to have you back blogging. I have your link on my toolbar and check in every other day. I miss it if it takes too long!!
