Monday, September 19, 2011

Sammy, How We Loved You!

 Sampson was my daughter's Bernese Mountain Dog, but I loved him as if he were my own.  He would have been ten years old next month if he hadn't died today, too short a life for such a wonderful companion.  Even my cats didn't mind him when he came to visit; he had such impeccable manners around them, always averting his gaze and yielding ground to them.  He was nothing but sweet, happy, well-behaved.  I've had several dogs in my life and loved them all, but they could be pains sometimes, barking too much or peeing on the rugs or rummaging in garbage, all those bad-doggy behaviors.  Not Sammy.  The worst thing he ever did was nearly knock me down with his joyous greetings every time I came to see him.  Followers of this blog will know that I love cats.  But I have to admit that no animal loves you back quite like a dog.  Especially this one.  I will miss him dearly.

 Bye bye, Sammy.  I hope you are on your way to doggy heaven.


  1. Condolences to all. I feel sad myself--he looks like a sweety.

  2. If love would die
    along with death
    this life wouldn't be so hard.

    -Andrew Vachss

  3. no words can express our sympathy - our pups and cats ARE part of the family - it is sad to lose one

  4. Sorry to hear about Sammy. The loss of a dog tends to leave a hole in heart that takes a good long while to mend.

  5. Sampson looks so huggable and I'm sure you will miss your visits with him. My heart aches for you and your family. Blessings

  6. So sad. I've been there. But happy for you that you experienced his love and the love you have for him!

  7. I am so sorry for your loss. He looks like such a dear.

  8. ohh, so sad. Nothing can replace the companionship of a beloved dog. Sammy was beautiful.

  9. Ohhh. I'm tearing up for you! I hope he went peacefully.

  10. Thank you for all your kind thoughts, dear friends. Sampson had a wonderful life with his loving family until just a couple of weeks ago, when he simply lost steam. A veterinary exam revealed advanced cancer, for which a week of drug therapy showed no improvement. So the decision was made to end his life by injection before the cancer complications became too painful. So his suffering is over, although his family's pain is still sharp. I will pass on all your condolences to my daughter's family. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave them here.

  11. What a beautiful dog. These are difficult times. Bless you all.

  12. Thank you everyone for your condolences. He was the sweetest.
    with gratitude,
    Jane (jackie's daughter)

  13. He sounds like a really wonderful dog. I'm sorry that there will be a hole in your heart for a while. I hope that it fills with lovely memories very quickly.

  14. I'm so sorry. Berners are the most wonderful dogs, and it sounds like Sammy was an exceptional example. I know how hard it is to lose canine friends.
