Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Another Rainy Day

 A good day for ducks

The Kayaderosseras Creek charges through Rock City Falls.

The meadow's colors glow through the falling rain.


  1. Beautiful! In the shot with the ducks, one can even see the rain! Soon, it will clear, and we can get back to hiking - from my mouth to God's ear ;-)

    Re: kittens - a basket, some napkins, and a friend to snuggle with - does life get any better?

  2. Love that last shot - beautiful colors. More rain is on the way, though, if our weather is any indication. Rain all week here, and it's on its way to you. Sorry 'bout that!

  3. Rainy here too. But, we're supposed to be just West of the worst of it. I hope that you don't get too much. Stay safe and dry.
