Saturday, June 18, 2011

Farewell, My Little Lovelies

No time for a woods walk or river paddle today. I'm doing laundry, preparing food to leave with my husband, and packing for a five-day total-immersion experience at a field meeting of the Botanical Society of America (Northeastern Section) in Ithaca, starting tomorrow. We'll be exploring acidic bogs, limy marl ponds, rich woods, calcareous shrub fens, northern forests, sedge meadows, peat swamps, talus slopes, white-oak swamps, gorges and waterfalls, etc., etc., etc. That's during the days. Plus botanical lectures in the evenings. I think I will get my fill of rare and wonderful plants. And rare and wonderful plant people.

I don't think we'll be looking for or discussing those pretty little roadside weeds pictured above. Alfalfa, Maiden Pinks, Yellow Bedstraw, Daisy Fleabane -- all as common as the barren dirt they grow in. But just because they're common, that doesn't mean I don't love them. So I'm giving them pride of place today, just to let them know I won't forget them while I'm off looking at rarer (though not necessarily more beautiful) flowers in Ithaca.

I won't be able to post blogs from there, but come back in a week or so to see what we found.


  1. How fantastic! Have a great time on your trip.

  2. How splendid! Morning, noon, and nighttime, too! Have a great time!

  3. Have fun! Maybe, someday, when I know a little more, I'll join you there.

  4. What an adventure you're going to! looking forward to your future posts.

  5. Your photograph reminded me of the Adelphi Hotel. I used to deliver milk to them in the 80's. The owner Shelia would always have these beautiful huge arrangements in the lobby. She would do them herself from wildflowers, grasses and weeds she would collect on the way to work. I just pulled up their website and took a tour. Guess what I saw in the photo of the lobby?
    P.S. Enjoy your upcoming journey.

  6. I know you will have a great trip, but it's difficult to imagine you actually getting your fill! In fact, I am sure it will be more stimulating than satiating. So even before you have shown us the treasures you found around Ithaca, I know you will be back outdoors searching for more, ever more of the wonders of Nature. And I am looking forward to seeing what you continue to find, and how the conference has influenced your future blogs. Enjoy!

  7. Though out the days reading your blog is free my brain and heart. Wish you have a wonderful picnic and waiting for your post.

  8. Jacki --- good wishes to you and Denis for the immersion experience....

  9. To all my friends who expressed your good wishes, I do thank you. Knowing you come along with me on my journey adds so much pleasure to my explorations.
