Friday, April 8, 2011

Frog Orgy

As my last post about disputed nests demonstrated, the course of love in the animal world can be rocky indeed. On my way out of the woods after witnessing the herons and ospreys go after each other, I came upon this knot of mating frogs in a vernal pool. I'm not sure how many frogs make up this jumble, but it sure looks more like a death grip than an embrace.

I guess the guys don't care if they drown the girl, because it looks like she's already expelled her eggs.


  1. When I was a kid, every spring I would watch the frog eggs with their growing "black spots" that eventually turned into pollywogs. I never saw the mating, though. It probably would have scared me.
    That is one gorgeous picture, though!

  2. That is one crazy photo. Wow! Son is having to dodge the poor critters on the road nights coming home from college. He keeps stopping to get them out of the road and I keep hoping he doesn't get hit.

  3. We've started hearing them at night, here and there. Nothing says "Safe in my home in spring" like going to sleep, listening to the frogs.

  4. Yes, June, the frog's mating embrace can sometimes be lethal to the female, even though she's quite a bit bigger than the male.

    threecollie, please pass my gratitude on to your son. And have him put reflector tape all over himself.

    You're right, Leah, that certain sounds are lovely for lulling us to sleep. Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment. I clicked on your name and enjoyed visiting your wonderfully appetizing blog. Happy holidays!
