Thursday, December 9, 2010

Nature Friends Brave the Cold

The temperature was somewhere between 10 and 15 degrees this morning when I met the Thursday Naturalists at Woods Hollow Nature Preserve in Ballston Spa. This is a group of professional and amateur nature lovers who meet weekly to explore various natural areas of the region, and just this fall they have invited me to join them on their excursions, to my great delight. True, my delight was tempered by shivers when I first stepped out of my car and stood stamping the ground while waiting for the rest of the members to arrive. But then that delight was promptly revived as we set out past fields turned into enchanted landscapes by glittering diamond-dust frost.

Our group was led by noted botanist Ruth Schottman, who had planned to use this opportunity to practice some "forest forensics," looking for signs in the land and the vegetation that would offer clues to the social as well as natural history of the area. However, since such careful observation and analysis would likely involve a good deal of standing and looking around, Ruth thought it better that we just keep moving at a pace brisk enough to keep us from freezing. So off we went, through a wooded section of the preserve I had never explored before.

But of course we did stop. And frequently. No matter what the season or how cold, there is always something to puzzle over or be amazed by in the woods.

One of our fascinating finds was this spiraling outbreak of aberrant growths called "witch's brooms" on a birch tree. None of us had ever seen such a thing on birch before.

Here was another form of witch's broom we found, this one on a willow shrub. Its vivid red color stood out against the grey-brown of the surrounding vegetation.

Is this a sapcicle? It was oozing out of a scar in the bark of a White Pine, and neither Ruth (on the left) nor Win was quite sure what it was. Win poked at it with his knife and determined it was frozen solid all the way through. I tasted a bit and found it lacking in any distinguishing taste, although it had a distinctive smell that reminded me a bit of honey.

Walking past the pond that lies in the center of the preserve, we found it frozen solid, with the ice several inches thick already. I couldn't resist stopping to photograph these bubbles captured in the ice. Are they trapped air or methane gas released by rotting underwater vegetation?

Throughout the Woods Hollow preserve, nature interpretive signs are nailed to trees or mounted on posts, a wonderfully informative addition to any trail walk. I found it a little mystifying, however, that this very informative paragraph about our native White Pine was nailed to another native conifer that is prolific throughout the preserve, a Pitch Pine.

As Ruth pointed out while we moved through the woods, there are many, many signs to be read in the trees and the landscape themselves that will provide us with lots of information about what lies around us. She recommended a book by Tom Wessels called Reading the Forested Landscape, and she lent me a generously illustrated field guide, Forest Forensics, that relates to Wessels's book. I shall have to study up on this, an area of study that can be pursued in any season. Could make for an interesting blog post or two, as well.


  1. Nice outing (!) and interesting post, as usual! Thanks for the names of the books at the end; I've been looking for such references. Regards!

  2. Dear Jackie,
    I've been reading your blog for some days now since I happened to find it while I was "googling around" for images of wildflowers, I think it was Cranesbill.
    As a beginning nature lover, I can't say how much I appreciate your blog. The pictures are absolutely stunning, but in addition to that, I'm learning a great deal from reading your posts as well.
    Here in Boston we are so fortunate to have the New England Wildflower Society around. The park, the nursery and the educational events have made all the difference to me, and I hope you can visit some time, if you haven't already.
    Your blog has inspired me to look for more areas where I can hike and explore. Thanks!
    Best, Åsa

  3. You've had some adventures since I have had a chance to check in, haven't you? Thanks to you, I now know what liverwort is, and am starting to be able to appreciate the different kinds of ferns. Hopefully, I'll be a more regular visitor again, now that the backside of the track is closing down, and the horses have all been sent to new homes.

  4. Hi catharus, good to hear from you. And yes, those books are great. Such knowledge enhances each outdoor adventure, and it gets me outside in winter when I might be tempted to stay indoors.

    Asa, how thoughtful of you to leave your generous comment! It's always wonderful to meet fellow wildflower enthusiasts. I have longed to visit the NEWS facility each year, and maybe this spring I will finally make it out toward Boston to do so.

    Louise, you are such a loyal reader, and I am always so glad to hear from you. From reading your own blog, I know that you've been up to some very important work finding horses good homes. Bless you in what you do.
