Thursday, December 16, 2010

Merry Christmas to All My Blog Friends

My computer is so sick the Apple techs can't help it over the phone, so it's off to the computer hospital until I don't know when. In case I don't get it back before Christmas, I want to wish everybody the happiest holiday season, with lots of merriment, sweet and reflective silences, and many happy hikes.

Update: the Apple techs say I need a new hard drive, which luckily was still under warranty. In the meantime, while I wait for the hard drive to arrive, I can limp along using this one and thank you all for your kind wishes and holiday greetings.


  1. Merry Christmas to you, too! I hope your computer has a speedy recovery.

  2. So sorry about your computer woes! So frustrating. And a very Merry Christmas to you too!

  3. Sorry for your losses, but hope you enjoy the cold winter anyway. When your computer recovers, I just posted some wintry pics you can check out for a chill.

  4. Merry Christmas to you, too! I hope your computer gets well soon.

  5. Good luck with your computer. I hope it doesn't take too long

  6. Back atcha! Love the photo! Good luck with the 'puter.

  7. Jackie! Happy Cat-Solstice and Merry Human Tree holiday! All my furry regards.

  8. A very Merry Christmas to you too (!) and Wonderful New Year!
