Friday, December 24, 2010

Here Comes Christmas

Despite signs clearly stating DANGER, Thin Ice, Keep Off, these fishermen took their chances on Moreau Lake. I was up at the lake yesterday, trying to fit in some outdoor time before the Christmas holiday keeps me indoors now for days on end. (We're off to our daughter's downstate tomorrow, and will spend some time in NYC before coming home next Tuesday.) I was glad to see that the lake was so solidly frozen, since that means the park naturalists will soon start hauling deer carcasses out on the ice to serve as feeding stations for eagles and other carnivores. Makes for exciting bird watching. I just hope these fishermen don't experience some exciting cold-water dunking.

Today was a gorgeous blue-sky day, but I could only enjoy it through my kitchen window while I was finishing up my Christmas baking: two cherry pies, one mincemeat pie, four kinds of cookies, cinnamon rolls, a white sheet cake, and a chocolate rum cake. Whew! My daughter expects to feed about 40 guests tomorrow, so I expect some of this will get eaten. (Somebody already snitched a cinnamon roll.)

I meant to come up with some meditation about the spiritual meaning of Christmas, but my busyness today has made it difficult to find the silence and solitude such a meditation requires. I do, however, remember and like what I posted a year ago, and so I'm inviting my readers to revisit that post by clicking here.

May you all have a wonderful holiday season, full of peace and joy and the love of your family and friends. May God grant that the new year brings greater peace to the world.


  1. The most wonderful of Holiday Seasons to you. That food looks delicious and I'm betting that there won't be any left.

    Curious to see pictures of the raptors feeding on the deer carcasses.

  2. I've enjoyed your blog very much this year. My brother even goes to the library to read it!You always find something wonder-ful in nature. Keep up the good work. Have a blessed Christmas with your family and a wonder-filled New Year too!

  3. Merry Christmas. Much enjoyed learning so many things visiting here over the year. Take care.

  4. Thanks, all of you, for your kind season's greetings. Sorry to take so long to acknowledge them. I was away with no access to my computer and am just now catching up. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!
