Saturday, November 13, 2010

Little Critters

I didn't get out to the woods much this week, because I went down to New Jersey to meet my new grandson, Alex Christopher Donnelly, born just one month ago. Here he is snuggled up to his mama, Sharla.

And here's Alex snuggled up to big sister Maya, 4, while his big brother Sean, 2, waits his turn to hold him. Alex is already almost as big as Sean.

Here's our son Peter, Alex's papa, with Maya and Sean.

My husband Denis loves to play scary games with the grandkids. Don't they look terrified?

Of course I am biased, but I'd say Sean Pierre Donnelly is one cute kid. As are ALL my grandchildren.

I can't wait to get these children out to the woods and onto the water with me.


  1. Yes, you ARE biased, but they ARE cute kids. They look happy, which is the most important.

  2. Thanks, Garden Lily and swampy, for stopping by to comment. I hope you have family as happy and dear as mine.
