Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Quick Trip to the Country

Rain early today, but it soon grew sunny and warm. The cats clamored to get out on the porch to soak up those rays. I longed to get outside myself, but since I'm going up to Pyramid Lake for the weekend tomorrow, I had some things to do at home, including laying in food for my husband to eat while I'm away. Thankfully, that involved driving up to Stetkar's Orchard to buy a jar of honey.

To get to Stetkar's, you have to drive up a dirt lane that runs through a thoroughbred horse farm, high in the hills above Saratoga Lake.

The apple trees were pretty as a picture. Some apples had fallen to the ground, so I picked one up to feed to a friendly horse.

Throngs of bees were massing at the entrance to their hives. Were they just enjoying the warmth of the sun after two cold rainy days? Or what?

I took the long way home, including several detours that sent me along some favorite roads, including Sweet Road, which curves down into a valley where green meadows rise to the woods against the horizon.

Another detour took me past a llama farm.

Here's where I'm off to tomorrow: Pyramid Lake in Essex County.

I'll be helping to close up the cabins at a spiritual retreat center there, but I'll also have time to do some paddling and hiking. Blogging's not possible while I'm away, since there's no internet access, but I hope to have lots of photos when I get back.


  1. What a beautiful part of the country you live in. I love New York State, in all of its variety.

  2. You said it, Louise! We New Yorkers are blessed with so much natural beauty.
