Saturday, October 30, 2010

Blueberries Brighten the Day

Damp and dark and chilly today, but not too inclement for a walk along the river. Many of the trees are leafless and bare, but blueberry bushes still explode with color along the banks. Pretty.

One bush was even in bloom.


  1. It's the little things like that which make every hike unique and interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Beautiful! So bright on a dull day.

  3. Hello there, Edelpeddle, thanks for stopping by. By clicking on your name I found your own fun blog, recounting your many spirited adventures in the mountains. Aren't we lucky to live among such a bounty of mountains and woods?

  4. Hi Louise, good to hear from you. I've certainly been enjoying your blog recounting the natural beauty out there where you live in more western NY, with your backyard a Grand Central Station for all kinds of wildlife.
