Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring has Sprung, the Flowers are Popping

Five days ago it was 15 above. Today it was nearly 70. Tomorrow, it might reach 80. Crazy weather! But it sure was nice to be outdoors today. And look what popped open today in the Skidmore Woods:


I still had to search for Hepatica blooms today, with only one or two blooming here or there. I'll bet by the end of the weekend, though, the forest floor will explode with all their beautiful colors. You could go hunt Hepatica instead of Easter eggs. (But please don't pick them!!!)

Here's another flower just about to bloom, two tiny twin yellow trumpets peeking out from their fuzzy bud:


These False Hellebore won't bloom for months, but I love the new shoots, so springy green and tightly pleated.

Here's another plant with beautiful baby leaves, all crumply and pretty purple. This little clump of Wood Betony is about the size of my fingernail.

And speaking of leaves, check out those paddle-shaped ones all covered with hairs, above the Wood Betony baby. I have no idea what they might be. I'll be watching them to see if they sprout any flowers.

From Skidmore I headed for Orra Phelps, where I found this Snow Trillium fully open.

I put my foot into the photo just to show how tiny this trillium is. What a wee baby blossom! I feel like I found a sweet treat left for me by the Easter Bunny. And it's only Holy Thursday.


  1. Wow- that really IS a small trillium. What a wonderful treat!

  2. Yeh, that snow trillium is cool! 'Don't know that we have those here in central PA.
