Sunday, March 21, 2010

Winter is Over. No Matter What.

Cloudy and colder. Rain, probably. Possibly, snow. Those are the weather predictions for the week to come. But who cares? This last week was absolutely gorgeous, with sunny days and warm temperatures that have broken winter's grip for sure. See the mountain and trees reflected in Moreau Lake? Just yesterday, this lake was still covered with ice, except for some open areas close to the land. But today it was wide, wide open from shore to shore.

There were several groups of ducks enjoying the open water. This group was too far away for me to get a focus on, so I can't tell what they are. Maybe some kind of Scaup?

Most years at this date, we wouldn't be able to walk around Moreau Lake on the beach, because the spring water levels are usually way up into the woods. Not this year. Today I could walk completely around the lake, staying close to the edge, enjoying the sound and the feel of stones scrunching the sand beneath my feet.

The water was clear as glass. See how beautiful the pebbles look, lying there on the bottom, their colors intensified by the water.


  1. This means no more short cuts walking ACROSS the lake, huh?
    Funny how we got used to that this winter...

  2. It was great meeting you and loved reading your interview!

  3. Those ducks are either lesser or greater scaup, indeed! Hard to tell from such a distance, but I have never even seen them, so I will have to keep my eyes open for them! Makes me wonder if those were what I walked past on Tuesday when I was without bins...

  4. Thanks for your comments, dear friends. And thanks, Lindsey, for the duck ID. I sure wish I had a better zoom lens for such distant critters.
