Sunday, November 29, 2009

Party Time at Home

It's very quiet at my house tonight, since 12 of my 13 weekend guests have gone home. But as these photos demonstrate, the joint sure was jumping while they were here. All of my grown children with all of their children, two spouses, one au pair, one mother-in-law, and one very large granddog came to celebrate my husband's birthday Friday through Sunday. And a grand time was had by all. My husband had some new speakers that worked with one son's Ipod, so all kinds of great dance music from Salsa to Hip Hop to Swing to good old rowdy Rock 'n Roll filled the room as everybody danced. The dance party continued both Friday and Saturday nights after dinner, helping us all work off our extra Thanksgiving calories. There's nothing like moving to music to amp up family happiness. Sure beats sitting around watching football games.

Even grandbaby Sean got out on the floor with his Aunt Jane (my daughter).

Son Steve (brown T) found a fine Salsa partner in Teresa, who is visiting the U.S. this year from Costa Rica to work as a live-in babysitter for my son Peter's children.

Peter's three-year-old Maya entertained us all by singing along to one of her daddy's latest records. One of our three cats joined the party at this point (they tended to hide out for most of the weekend, avoiding the attention of very small children and that very large dog).

On Sunday everyone rested up for the long drives home to Mount Kisco and New York City.

Son Steve stayed on for one more day, and I'm hoping we can get out to some Saratoga woods or waterways tomorrow.


  1. Looks like a fun time with family. To quote Dorothy, "There's no place like home." You have been blessed.

  2. Hey you sure throw a fun party. Glad you had a nice holiday. We still have to meet up for coffee one of these days.

  3. Thanks for posting these photos Mom! It was so fun to be with you. love...

  4. As Emma Goldman said: "If I can't dance...I don't want to be a part of your revolution". Even more so with family... Fun!

  5. Dear friends, I am so happy you stopped by to comment.

    Squirrel: I am indeed blessed. In more ways than I can count.

    Dan: Let's make a date for that coffee. Uncommon Grounds is my favorite spot. Son Steve used to manage a shift there, years ago, and Dan the owner came 100 miles to rescue me after a car accident once. Let's give him some business.

    Jane: You and your family are a big part of what made it so fun to be together. Love to all.

    Allan: Dancing is truly good for whatever ails you. Like laughter, singing, and loving, it enhances your immune system and leads to easier problem- solving. Really.
