Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Home Cooking

I won't be out wandering Saratoga's woods and waterways until at least next Monday. Home duties are keeping me close to my stove getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner at in-laws over in Vermont, then home Thursday night with eight extra family members in tow. Five more arrive on Saturday, when we'll all celebrate my husband's birthday. The birthday cake I made is in the freezer, along with the birthday dinner. Now I have to round up sheets and blankets and pillows and towels for 13 overnight guests. Luckily we all love each other and don't mind snuggling up close. Even our grand-dog gets along well with our three cats. (But the cats definitely do NOT snuggle up with the dog!)

Today I made five pies: cherry, cherry-apricot, pumpkin, and two rustic apple-raisin tarts. Aren't they pretty? (But you should see the mess in the rest of the kitchen!)

Happy Thanksgiving, all!


  1. Your pies look wonderful! We had our Thanksgiving yesterday, it was fun!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Jackie, your photo shows the wisdom of "Eat Dessert First" ...!
    Have a great holiday with your family, & also a very happy Birthday to Mr. D!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for, don't we.

  4. Jackie...those pies look delicious and I know one stripey cat that would gladly lick the crust right up of that apple raisin tart. Happy thanksgiving to you and yours.

    Your furry friend, D

  5. Busy, busy, busy! My T'giving was soooo lazy by comparison: washed the dishes (finally), made a coffee cake (in the freezer), read, snoozed, watched a movie or two, filled the birdfeeders, took a couple leisurely walks with the dog, and enjoyed the toasty heat from the woodstove. A day of thankfulness for a day off to relax.

  6. and a nice view of your new kitchen!

    All best for these days of celebrating thanks,

    Fran & Jens
