Monday, October 5, 2009

Snug as a Bug in a Bud

Following our wonderful sojourn at Strawberry Fields Forever (last post), I had to run to the store to buy something for supper. I assumed my flower-finding adventures were over for the day, but lo! right across from the Price Chopper parking lot, these tall, gorgeous Jerusalem Artichokes were blooming for all to see. This native sunflower is always the last to appear in my annual wildflower journal, right after Witch Hazel. What a welcome sight when most other flowers are fading! I still had my camera bag in the car, so I ran across the street to get a photo. It wasn't until I blew up the shot on my computer screen that I realized I had captured this sleepy bee snuggled into the flower. Snug as a bug in a bud.

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